This is quite incomplete, only the first 3 chapters are cross-referenced, for now.
Also, it's kind of ugly. Consider this a preview.

  1. Introduction [nav]

    1. Scope, Purpose, and History [nav]

      1. Scope and Purpose [tiny prose]
      2. History [big prose]
    2. Organization of the Document [small prose]
    3. Referenced Publications [list]
    4. Definitions [tiny prose]

      1. Notational Conventions [tiny prose]

        1. Font Key [medium prose]
        2. Modified BNF Syntax [tiny prose]

          1. Splicing in Modified BNF Syntax [medium prose]
          2. Indirection in Modified BNF Syntax [small prose]
          3. Additional Uses for Indirect Definitions in Modified BNF Syntax [small prose]
        3. Special Symbols [big prose]
        4. Objects with Multiple Notations [tiny prose]

          1. Case in Symbols [small prose]
          2. Numbers [tiny prose]
          3. Use of the Dot Character [small prose]
          4. NIL [small prose]
        5. Designators [medium prose]
        6. Nonsense Words [small prose]
      2. Error Terminology [big prose]
      3. Sections Not Formally Part Of This Standard [small prose]
      4. Interpreting Dictionary Entries [tiny prose]

        1. The ``Affected By'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        2. The ``Arguments'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        3. The ``Arguments and Values'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        4. The ``Binding Types Affected'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        5. The ``Class Precedence List'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
        6. Dictionary Entries for Type Specifiers [small prose]

          1. The ``Compound Type Specifier Kind'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
          2. The ``Compound Type Specifier Syntax'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
          3. The ``Compound Type Specifier Arguments'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
          4. The ``Compound Type Specifier Description'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        7. The ``Constant Value'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        8. The ``Description'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        9. The ``Examples'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        10. The ``Exceptional Situations'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
        11. The ``Initial Value'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        12. The ``Argument Precedence Order'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        13. The ``Method Signature'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
        14. The ``Name'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
        15. The ``Notes'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]
        16. The ``Pronunciation'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        17. The ``See Also'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        18. The ``Side Effects'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        19. The ``Supertypes'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        20. The ``Syntax'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [small prose]

          1. Special ``Syntax'' Notations for Overloaded Operators [tiny prose]
          2. Naming Conventions for Rest Parameters [tiny prose]
          3. Requiring Non-Null Rest Parameters in the ``Syntax'' Section [tiny prose]
          4. Return values in the ``Syntax'' Section [tiny prose]

            1. No Arguments or Values in the ``Syntax'' Section [tiny prose]
            2. Unconditional Transfer of Control in the ``Syntax'' Section [tiny prose]
        21. The ``Valid Context'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
        22. The ``Value Type'' Section of a Dictionary Entry [tiny prose]
    5. Conformance [tiny prose]

      1. Conforming Implementations [tiny prose]

        1. Required Language Features [tiny prose]
        2. Documentation of Implementation-Dependent Features [tiny prose]
        3. Documentation of Extensions [tiny prose]
        4. Treatment of Exceptional Situations [tiny prose]

          1. Resolution of Apparent Conflicts in Exceptional Situations [tiny prose]

            1. Examples of Resolution of Apparent Conflicts in Exceptional Situations [tiny prose]
        5. Conformance Statement [tiny prose]
      2. Conforming Programs [small prose]

        1. Use of Implementation-Defined Language Features [small prose]

          1. Use of Read-Time Conditionals [small prose]
        2. Character Set for Portable Code [tiny prose]
    6. Language Extensions [medium prose]
    7. Language Subsets [small prose]
    8. Deprecated Language Features [tiny prose]

      1. Deprecated Functions [small figure]
      2. Deprecated Argument Conventions [tiny prose, small figure]
      3. Deprecated Variables [tiny prose]
      4. Deprecated Reader Syntax [tiny prose]
    9. Symbols in the COMMON-LISP Package [big figures]
  2. Syntax [nav]

    1. Character Syntax [tiny prose]

      1. Readtables [tiny prose, small figure]

        1. The Current Readtable [tiny prose]
        2. The Standard Readtable [tiny prose]
        3. The Initial Readtable [tiny prose]
      2. Variables that affect the Lisp Reader [tiny prose, tiny figure]
      3. Standard Characters [tiny prose, medium figures]
      4. Character Syntax Types [medium prose, big figure]

        1. Constituent Characters [tiny prose]
        2. Constituent Traits [small prose, big figure]
        3. Invalid Characters [tiny prose]
        4. Macro Characters [medium prose]
        5. Multiple Escape Characters [small prose]

          1. Examples of Multiple Escape Characters [tiny example]
        6. Single Escape Character [tiny prose]

          1. Examples of Single Escape Characters [tiny example]
        7. Whitespace Characters [tiny prose]

          1. Examples of Whitespace Characters [tiny example]
    2. Reader Algorithm [big prose]
    3. Interpretation of Tokens [nav]

      1. Numbers as Tokens [tiny prose, medium figure]

        1. Potential Numbers as Tokens [medium prose]

          1. Escape Characters and Potential Numbers [tiny prose]
          2. Examples of Potential Numbers [tiny prose, tiny figures]
      2. Constructing Numbers from Tokens [tiny prose]

        1. Syntax of a Rational [nav]

          1. Syntax of an Integer [tiny prose]
          2. Syntax of a Ratio [tiny prose, tiny figure]
        2. Syntax of a Float [small prose, small figure]
        3. Syntax of a Complex [tiny prose]
      3. The Consing Dot [tiny prose]
      4. Symbols as Tokens [medium prose, medium figures]
      5. Valid Patterns for Tokens [medium prose, small figure]
      6. Package System Consistency Rules [small prose]
    4. Standard Macro Characters [tiny prose]

      1. Left-Parenthesis [small prose]
      2. Right-Parenthesis [tiny prose]
      3. Single-Quote [tiny prose]

        1. Examples of Single-Quote [tiny example]
      4. Semicolon [tiny prose]

        1. Examples of Semicolon [tiny example]
        2. Notes about Style for Semicolon [tiny prose]

          1. Use of Single Semicolon [tiny prose]
          2. Use of Double Semicolon [tiny prose]
          3. Use of Triple Semicolon [tiny prose]
          4. Use of Quadruple Semicolon [tiny prose]
          5. Examples of Style for Semicolon [small example]
      5. Double-Quote [small prose, tiny figure]
      6. Backquote [big prose]

        1. Notes about Backquote [small prose]
      7. Comma [tiny prose]
      8. Sharpsign [small prose, big figure]

        1. Sharpsign Backslash [small prose]
        2. Sharpsign Single-Quote [tiny prose]
        3. Sharpsign Left-Parenthesis [small prose]
        4. Sharpsign Asterisk [small prose]

          1. Examples of Sharpsign Asterisk [tiny example]
        5. Sharpsign Colon [tiny prose]
        6. Sharpsign Dot [tiny prose]
        7. Sharpsign B [tiny prose]
        8. Sharpsign O [tiny prose]
        9. Sharpsign X [tiny prose]
        10. Sharpsign R [small prose, small example]
        11. Sharpsign C [tiny prose, tiny example]
        12. Sharpsign A [small prose]
        13. Sharpsign S [small prose]
        14. Sharpsign P [tiny prose]
        15. Sharpsign Equal-Sign [tiny prose]
        16. Sharpsign Sharpsign [small prose]
        17. Sharpsign Plus [small prose]
        18. Sharpsign Minus [tiny prose]
        19. Sharpsign Vertical-Bar [tiny prose]

          1. Examples of Sharpsign Vertical-Bar [big example]
          2. Notes about Style for Sharpsign Vertical-Bar [tiny prose]
        20. Sharpsign Less-Than-Sign [tiny prose]
        21. Sharpsign Whitespace [tiny prose]
        22. Sharpsign Right-Parenthesis [tiny prose]
      9. Re-Reading Abbreviated Expressions [tiny prose]
  3. Evaluation and Compilation [nav]

    1. Evaluation [small prose]

      1. Introduction to Environments [tiny prose]

        1. The Global Environment [tiny prose]
        2. Dynamic Environments [small prose]
        3. Lexical Environments [small prose]

          1. The Null Lexical Environment [tiny prose]
        4. Environment Objects [small prose]
      2. The Evaluation Model [tiny prose]

        1. Form Evaluation [tiny prose]

          1. Symbols as Forms [medium prose]

            1. Lexical Variables [small prose]
            2. Dynamic Variables [medium prose]
            3. Constant Variables [small prose]
            4. Symbols Naming Both Lexical and Dynamic Variables [tiny prose, small example]
          2. Conses as Forms [small prose]

            1. Special Forms [small prose]
            2. Macro Forms [small prose]
            3. Function Forms [medium prose]
            4. Lambda Forms [tiny prose]
          3. Self-Evaluating Objects [tiny prose]

            1. Examples of Self-Evaluating Objects [tiny prose, tiny example]
      3. Lambda Expressions [tiny prose]
      4. Closures and Lexical Binding [medium prose]
      5. Shadowing [medium prose]
      6. Extent [medium prose]
      7. Return Values [small prose]
    2. Compilation [nav]

      1. Compiler Terminology [big prose]
      2. Compilation Semantics [tiny prose]

        1. Compiler Macros [small prose]

          1. Purpose of Compiler Macros [small prose]
          2. Naming of Compiler Macros [small prose]
          3. When Compiler Macros Are Used [small prose]

            1. Notes about the Implementation of Compiler Macros [small prose]
        2. Minimal Compilation [small prose]
        3. Semantic Constraints [big prose]
      3. File Compilation [small prose]

        1. Processing of Top Level Forms [big prose]

          1. Processing of Defining Macros [medium prose]
          2. Constraints on Macros and Compiler Macros [small prose]
      4. Literal Objects in Compiled Files [small prose]

        1. Externalizable Objects [medium prose]
        2. Similarity of Literal Objects [nav]

          1. Similarity of Aggregate Objects [tiny prose]
          2. Definition of Similarity [big prose]
        3. Extensions to Similarity Rules [tiny prose]
        4. Additional Constraints on Externalizable Objects [big prose]
      5. Exceptional Situations in the Compiler [medium prose]